Location: Hyderabad, AP, India

Lover of art and music. Fair and just, balancing the scales always as a true Libran. Partial towards chocolates.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Note of Thanks..Not an Oscar Speech

Hello to my regular readers and the not-so-regular one’s as well. I’m glad to inform you that I was finally inspired to blog. Before I get on with my posts, I would like to drop a small note of thank you to all my friends and well wishers who have been supportive and encouraging during the famine period. ( I know this sounds like an oscar speech, but I beg you to bear with me)

@@Forgetful Functor
Thank you so much for prodding me on. All the comments you left at my blog or urs, had atleast a line to remind me that I was not blogging. Infact, I confess that it got irritating after a while. But, the result it has produced is evidently excellent. So, a big thank you to you for having “irritated” me into blogging.. (kidding …You actually inspired me to blog)

Hey dudette…You were my companion in the hard times, as both of us were famine afflicted. The fact that you got over it and churned out a post, reassured me that this “non-blogging” phase is temporary. So, a thank you to u.

Your mails are really so sweet. You are my support on whom I would recline in utmost confidence. Thanks for the encouragement you have given me. My next post is dedicated to you.

@@Little Fella
Please don’t give up on me. I’ll try to make it up to u.

@@My Project Manager
Thanks for sparing me this weekend and giving me breathing time or should I say blogging time

Thanks for visiting my abode, though after a long time. Please do come again.

I’m still awaiting your comments sweetie.

@@Preacher, @@WnG , @@Sid, @@WiseDonkey, @@Aditi, @@Sandy, @@Moderator, @@Muse and @@The others whom I have forgotten to mention
I’m incomplete without your readership.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I "irritated" or "inspired" you , may be irritated you more but if you come up with things like what you have come up this time, I will throw all the self-esteem in the MCH garbage truck and will shamelessly keep coming to irritate u-:)
Thank you for the post

11:49 AM  
Blogger megha said...

I hope in don't get back to that non blogging hell hole...And definitely I wudn't want my friend's esteem rotting away in an MCH garbage truck... ;)

Will try to keep the tempo up

8:59 PM  
Blogger Sameera said...

ur welcome dudette :)
keep blogging

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dint xpect my name to crop up. It did. I dont give up. Dont worry. ThanQ.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you are so gifted and i truly wish you never leave this arena and keep it going......its wonderful to read your blogs.......

9:06 AM  

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