The Epicurean Point of View
I placed the last piece of succulent chocolate cake in my mouth. The rich choco cream adorned my lips while I munched on the glorious last bite. It’s kind of disappointing when you reach the last bite; you wish for just that “little” more. The waiter approached me with some more tempting offers on the menu. Together, they tried to seduce me to have another go. I fought my urge to devour yet another pastry, paid the bill and gave an admonishing look to the perplexed waiter. On my way home, I saw a hoarding which screamed out details of a beauty clinic offering excellent weight reduction therapies. I had a surge of nausea; the cake was twirling in my stomach out of guilt. I pacified my conscience with the greatest difficulty and set about my routine work.
I have this habit of reading a book at bedtime. So, presently I sat at my reading table and picked up a book at random from the book shelf. It was already 11:30pm and very promptly I hear my mom’s voice asking me to go to bed. So, I switched the light off and settled down with the book and torchlight under the covers. (If you are wondering what makes me so particular about reading a book, well…I’m clueless). So, now, this book turns out to be on gluttony..
*The conscience sighs, there we go again*
The author of this book, Francine Prose, has a very unique stand on gluttony, which I must confess was a tad comforting. The holy religion of Christianity describes gluttony to be one among the seven deadly sins that the human soul could succumb to. To start off, it describes gluttony to be an excessive greed for food and drink and the reason they classify gluttony as a sin is because it acts as a stepping stone to the other sins as lust, sloth. Surely, the McDonalds, and the other pizzas and burger joints don’t go for the Sunday mass. It was this greed that compelled Adam to eat the apple on the forbidden tree. If he had not done so, all of us would be roaming around naked appreciating the beauty of the Garden of Eden…Well, in a way I’m glad he ate the apple….
At this point I would like to quote the author, who has mixed comedy and a dash of cynicism to elevate the spirits of “gluttons” like us.
“The traditional solutions to the problem of gluttony and lust, has been to suggest that the element of sin enters in only when we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy satisfying the needs of the body. We are allowed to eat and have sex as long as we don’t like it.”
The gurus of Christianity fight for their stand by examples and illustrations from history- the three drunkards of Flanders who went to combat death in their drunken stupor, Cyclpos – the one eyed monster being too drunk was slow-witted for Odesseys and his men. They are true to an extent. But, I believe in the concept of amending definitions and bending rules slightly to suit the changing times. Well, in today’s context, the inability to control the desire to have a second or maybe even a third helping of a cream pie, is not actually the punishable sins, where you would be boiled in the hot oils of hell ( I don’t mind going to hell after making this statement). I’m not preaching to overindulge in eating, neither am I professing an extravagant seven course meal. Being an epicurean is not a sin, infact I think it’s boon where you have the taste to appreciate the variety of cuisine in the world and also be thankful to those hands which rose to feed you, be it the chef of a multistar hotel or your mom. Getting the very opportunity to eat is a boon as there are some unfortunate ones in this world who are deprived of this basic necessity.
I would also like to add a pinch of salt to the simmering soup, “excess of anything is not good”…
So, don’t count the calories before you eat that chocolate cake. Eat on!! The threadmill is always there when you finally decide to shed off those extra pounds.
Ciao. Now it’s really late and I can sleep, as my conscience is at peace.
“Eat, drink and enjoy today for who knows from tomorrow I might be on a diet.”- Garfield, The Lord of the Epicurean Clan.
I have this habit of reading a book at bedtime. So, presently I sat at my reading table and picked up a book at random from the book shelf. It was already 11:30pm and very promptly I hear my mom’s voice asking me to go to bed. So, I switched the light off and settled down with the book and torchlight under the covers. (If you are wondering what makes me so particular about reading a book, well…I’m clueless). So, now, this book turns out to be on gluttony..
*The conscience sighs, there we go again*
The author of this book, Francine Prose, has a very unique stand on gluttony, which I must confess was a tad comforting. The holy religion of Christianity describes gluttony to be one among the seven deadly sins that the human soul could succumb to. To start off, it describes gluttony to be an excessive greed for food and drink and the reason they classify gluttony as a sin is because it acts as a stepping stone to the other sins as lust, sloth. Surely, the McDonalds, and the other pizzas and burger joints don’t go for the Sunday mass. It was this greed that compelled Adam to eat the apple on the forbidden tree. If he had not done so, all of us would be roaming around naked appreciating the beauty of the Garden of Eden…Well, in a way I’m glad he ate the apple….
At this point I would like to quote the author, who has mixed comedy and a dash of cynicism to elevate the spirits of “gluttons” like us.
“The traditional solutions to the problem of gluttony and lust, has been to suggest that the element of sin enters in only when we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy satisfying the needs of the body. We are allowed to eat and have sex as long as we don’t like it.”
The gurus of Christianity fight for their stand by examples and illustrations from history- the three drunkards of Flanders who went to combat death in their drunken stupor, Cyclpos – the one eyed monster being too drunk was slow-witted for Odesseys and his men. They are true to an extent. But, I believe in the concept of amending definitions and bending rules slightly to suit the changing times. Well, in today’s context, the inability to control the desire to have a second or maybe even a third helping of a cream pie, is not actually the punishable sins, where you would be boiled in the hot oils of hell ( I don’t mind going to hell after making this statement). I’m not preaching to overindulge in eating, neither am I professing an extravagant seven course meal. Being an epicurean is not a sin, infact I think it’s boon where you have the taste to appreciate the variety of cuisine in the world and also be thankful to those hands which rose to feed you, be it the chef of a multistar hotel or your mom. Getting the very opportunity to eat is a boon as there are some unfortunate ones in this world who are deprived of this basic necessity.
I would also like to add a pinch of salt to the simmering soup, “excess of anything is not good”…
So, don’t count the calories before you eat that chocolate cake. Eat on!! The threadmill is always there when you finally decide to shed off those extra pounds.
Ciao. Now it’s really late and I can sleep, as my conscience is at peace.
“Eat, drink and enjoy today for who knows from tomorrow I might be on a diet.”- Garfield, The Lord of the Epicurean Clan.
hmm epicurean point
thats easy for u to say cos the extra calories are nowhere to be found on ya ;)
so i dont see the point in ur trying to control the urge to eat..
this post comes at a crucial time in my life :p
when ive indulged so far and not its time to pay :(( boo hoo
good post..the christianity stuff was lost of me unfortunately cos i have no idea about it all
congrats on ur 17th post!took less time than a lotta bloggers out here..
Hey Samy, maybe I shud give u a prize or something, u r really prompt in reading my posts..sadly u r the only one who reads it I guess..
So, I see that u have taken to the threadmill and have joined the "gyming" clan (ayyo papam).But, I'm sure u can afford to get carried away once in a while ;-)..
Well, about that chirstianity stuff, all thanks to convent upbringing and a wee bit of research on the subject.
Thanx for ur wishes...Hope to continue to blog and improve each time and earn more readers (Plzzzzzzzzzz God).
yep gettin more people to comment on ur blog will only happen when u do the same..check the people in my blog and go read their posts and comment..they will come back
that is ofcourse assuming u like to read other unknown people's blogs..
ive a few real life blogger friends but most others are from blog-o-sphere :D
good luck babe
A full week late, but well good post...I am sure eating has no direct relation with the extra pounds ppl have. just a mental block..Eat more,work more and enjoy even more.. Thats when life greets you in all its lovely colors..
looking for more frm you this week end :)
"A full week late" ...??!!!???
did u mean to say that u were late reading the post or was I the one to make a late appearance?
Well, if u meant to say that I'm the one who's late, then let me tell my blog, sometimes there's a flood and then a famine..It's all a matter of inspiration, I guess...I hope I blog this week..
PS: You always have good words for my writings..Thnx :-))
I meant I was late in reading.. some how I always mess things up :)..
N ya ur blogs are different and well crafted hence may require an inspiration to instigate thoughts..
For me its more of a daily diary kinda a stuff so I write whenever I m free which is usually weekends...
An for good words..they r just appreciation of ur work..
enti so many days no blog
saw ur blogging personality and thot it suited u to a tee
Yah..Work has somehow managed to lull that spark within me...I hope I find it back soon...
I'm not me without it..:-))
And abt the blogger personality, even I thought it matched me in all respects..Try ur hand too..
good work @ people who appreciate food
wht do u have for those who want to eat, eat a little and then give up and yet outweigh two of his best friends put together ?
oh thanks for dropping by though :), where did ya get my link from
Well for all those cases who control their urges to eat and yet satisfy the mathematics that u put forth, I have a huge piece of chocolate pastry with me for them to devour...Even after trying so hard if u don't shed that fat then what the heck!! Just live with it...Why punish ur taste buds!!
And as for the link to ur blog, I got it through Sameera's blog and I saw it even in the forgetful functor..Nice one u have out there...
PS:Thank for stopping by and commenting
i dont give up coz i dun like it :O
i cant eat what i order :((
my apetite is very selective like my memory..
its good sometimes, really bad most of the times :p
If ur appetite is not the actual culprit then blame it on ur genes ;-)
k here am again with to inspire can I have something to satiate my mental appetite..long time mam plz post sthing
I have blogged finally..Yupiee yay!!!I am back after a hiatus of 2 weeks I guess...Not really a long time..but seemed like ages to me..Anyway, glad I blogged
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