Different Strokes for Different Folks
It’s often been said that you enjoy a relation with a person when your wavelengths match and you enjoy it even more when your brains resonate at the same frequency…Wondering what I’m talking about?
Ok..Let me explain…Well, it happens to be a fact that I love blogging..or you could say writing…I feel it kinda liberates me from the mundane drivel of life…I got to admit it that I talk about it the most…Now, unfortunately in my circle of friends, I don’t have that “resonating buddy”…So, when I open my mouth to share some of the wonderful blogs I came across, I would get varied reactions:
(F1, F2, F3 are my friends)
Me: Hey I checked out a really cool blog today, DesiPundit, the stand he takes on “surviving in the IT industry” is simply super. I think we’ll indentify with it best.
F1: What !!! I don’t want any Pundit to tell me how to survive in this IT industry..I know how to suck up to people and get things done, that’s how you live here..
* Thanks a ton buddy…you made me feel like a leech*
Me: Hey, the blog….. *stop midway in the sentence realizing that the person is not paying attention*
F2: * A dazed and a lost expression on his face. Muttering something under his breath *
*Probably wondering why his code is not functioning. Never disturb such species, unless you want to hear all the cribs on his crib list, right from APJ Kalam to his Project Manager.*
Me: Do you know what I blogged on today? It’s really touching..
F3: As I was saying, I wanted to go shopping this week and buy pickles for my grandmom..Which one do you suggest?
Me: Well, I think Joshi’s would be a good option…Now about the blog..
F3: Do you think they pack it well??
Me: What the blog?? Why would they pack a blog?
F3: What blog? I was talking about the pickles silly…
*Ok…So, the pickle vendors have outbeaten my blog in popularity*
I tried conversing with my mom on blogs..But, house wives have got their own set of tensions I guess…
Me: Mom, if you are free I could show you my blog and maybe teach you to access the internet. So, you can regularly check my blog without having to wait for me.
Mom: *Nods her head*
Me: Mom can I skip dinner tonight??
Mom: *Nods her head*
*Ok…So, moms apply this “nod the head trick”…and they say men don’t listen…So, decide to take advantage of the situation*
Me: Mom, can I stay late up tonight and party with my friends?
Mom: No way lady. You are not doing any such thing..
*Shucks!! You can never make out when they are listening*
Now, that’s the scenario around me…By this post if I have given the impression that I’m a person with the most refined taste and look down upon others around me as insignificant bugs, then you got me wrong…I don’t blame my friends for not being interested…It’s just a matter of taste..Now I know that I would be least interested in politics or cricket…Given a blog of their own I’m sure my friends would also have said similar things about me and would have highlighted me as a duffer not knowing the difference between a leg-spin and an off-spin…
C’est la vie!! That’s life…It’s always different strokes for different folks!!!
Ok..Let me explain…Well, it happens to be a fact that I love blogging..or you could say writing…I feel it kinda liberates me from the mundane drivel of life…I got to admit it that I talk about it the most…Now, unfortunately in my circle of friends, I don’t have that “resonating buddy”…So, when I open my mouth to share some of the wonderful blogs I came across, I would get varied reactions:
(F1, F2, F3 are my friends)
Me: Hey I checked out a really cool blog today, DesiPundit, the stand he takes on “surviving in the IT industry” is simply super. I think we’ll indentify with it best.
F1: What !!! I don’t want any Pundit to tell me how to survive in this IT industry..I know how to suck up to people and get things done, that’s how you live here..
* Thanks a ton buddy…you made me feel like a leech*
Me: Hey, the blog….. *stop midway in the sentence realizing that the person is not paying attention*
F2: * A dazed and a lost expression on his face. Muttering something under his breath *
*Probably wondering why his code is not functioning. Never disturb such species, unless you want to hear all the cribs on his crib list, right from APJ Kalam to his Project Manager.*
Me: Do you know what I blogged on today? It’s really touching..
F3: As I was saying, I wanted to go shopping this week and buy pickles for my grandmom..Which one do you suggest?
Me: Well, I think Joshi’s would be a good option…Now about the blog..
F3: Do you think they pack it well??
Me: What the blog?? Why would they pack a blog?
F3: What blog? I was talking about the pickles silly…
*Ok…So, the pickle vendors have outbeaten my blog in popularity*
I tried conversing with my mom on blogs..But, house wives have got their own set of tensions I guess…
Me: Mom, if you are free I could show you my blog and maybe teach you to access the internet. So, you can regularly check my blog without having to wait for me.
Mom: *Nods her head*
Me: Mom can I skip dinner tonight??
Mom: *Nods her head*
*Ok…So, moms apply this “nod the head trick”…and they say men don’t listen…So, decide to take advantage of the situation*
Me: Mom, can I stay late up tonight and party with my friends?
Mom: No way lady. You are not doing any such thing..
*Shucks!! You can never make out when they are listening*
Now, that’s the scenario around me…By this post if I have given the impression that I’m a person with the most refined taste and look down upon others around me as insignificant bugs, then you got me wrong…I don’t blame my friends for not being interested…It’s just a matter of taste..Now I know that I would be least interested in politics or cricket…Given a blog of their own I’m sure my friends would also have said similar things about me and would have highlighted me as a duffer not knowing the difference between a leg-spin and an off-spin…
C’est la vie!! That’s life…It’s always different strokes for different folks!!!
abbba rightly said megha...
ur sooo right..there are people who tell me "how did u write posts that are so long and then expect us to read the whole thing."
dont worry ..u have one blogger friend who is always gonna comment here and expects the same from u :)
if we wait for some more time..each person will have his/her own blog..since its sooo "in".then our readership will increase
u go girl
Yup, u'll always have me reading and commenting on ur posts regularly...Not just to return the favour, but coz of the very fact that u r a good writer and that I am one of those ppl who enjoy good writings.
May v keep writing and inspiring each other.
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