Location: Hyderabad, AP, India

Lover of art and music. Fair and just, balancing the scales always as a true Libran. Partial towards chocolates.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Read EXTRA, EXTRA : Laws dictate morals!!!!

The smell of the newsprint with a mug of simmering tea is a sacred morning ritual for many of us. Now-a-days, the newspaper carries along with it the stench of human deeds from around the world. Soaked in morbid thoughts, melancholy truths hit us hard in our face each morning. Today not being an exception.
"The Cabinet on Thursday cleared a Bill which provides for a jail term of three months and a fine of Rs 5,000/- for children who refuse to ensure a life of dignity to their elders. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill, piloted by social justice ministry, provides for an inexpensive and speedy system where old persons can petition the administration to seek maintenance from their progeny. "

What a pathetic state of affairs!! Do we need a law to dictate moral values to us? Do our aged parents have to knock the doors of the court to expect some sympathy, if not love from their progeny? What has made us so negligent, so callous, and so brutal? Time to put on our thinking caps and do a bit of introspection.

The hands which helped a child take his first steps are denied the support in the final hours of his life. Those eyes with love in them, are now devoid of tears too.

Probably, this is not happening in your life. But, it ain't an uncommon scenario as the old age home still flourish in population. Probably, we have not deserted our parents, but do we actually ever listen to them, spend time with them. All they ask for is a bit of love and a bit of attention.

I am not narrating another Bagbhan here. But, just scratching the surface of our conscience which, I think is relegated to some corner of our insides and decrepited with the dust of indifference and selfishness.

Such happenings should be a wake up call to the conscience....


Blogger Sridhar said...


Thought you had left the blogging world to "go boldly where many bloggers have gone before" - the real world :)

Anyway, trying to legally define morality is the height of foolishness. "Life of dignity" - whatever that means.

Good to have you back and more importantly, looking forward to some good posts (you have created that expectation, so I am blaming you. < chuckle >see, i read your posts.

9:08 AM  
Blogger megha said...

Love to live in utopia and never get out of it..But, yes contact with the real world is unavoidable and that justifies my break. Think my breaks will be more frequent from now on.

Have I created an expectation??
I see a compliment and a warning in here- an appreciation that my previous posts were satisfactory to your liking and also that if I don't tempt you with more, i lose another reader..

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea.. thats the state these days..

Even if force myself hard and agree that laws should dictate morals..They cannot!!.Simply because they are written in english..
for children who refuse to ensure a life of dignity to their elders

Well not sure if those who are making these laws have also defined what dignity means!!

4:52 AM  

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