I have changed
My friend dug up my wallet to find an old relic called “the bus pass” with a
tiny snap of mine. He just looked at that and passed a casual remark saying “You
are so different now”. I didn’t think much of it then. But later the truth of
that carelessly made statement dawned on me. Now that I think of it, I do feel
that I’m different now….I sat down to make an analysis report (AR- This one is
dedicated to Shilpa).. not to worry I won’t start with the cliché “Once upon a
@@The childhood years
I’m afraid, there won’t be much to write here, as I can hardly remember things that I did. So, with the aid of few sources I was able to compile this up.
I was a timid kind of a girl, who loved to go to school. Yah, yah go on…call me a geek…coz then I was a geek..I loved my teachers. I specially remember my kindergarten teacher-“Shanti Krishnamurthy” and her mother- “Amma”. She was the first one to have laid the foundation to my education ( I owe her a lot). The lovely dosas amma made deserve a special mention. I had this friend called “sonu”, who used to pinch me everyday, and me, a fool that I was, used to get pinched, used to make a caster oil face and weepingly complain to my mom. This was our daily ritual. I can’t wait to get my hands on her as I have to repay her with pinches cumulated with compound interest. So, sonu bach ke rahe na….
I was always dad’s daughter..his pet (like he had much choice..I was the only one). Since I was the only one and that too a girl I was over protected. I never had the chance to rough it out. Even small little things…. I was not to go to my friend’s house unescorted. I didn’t have my first cycling lessons till I was 13. There was never a time in winter that I left the house with out a sweater and a scarf on. My mom used to feed me even in class 6…I guess that habit didn’t leave me..even now at times when I’m running late for work, I have my mom behind me with a plate in hand. Well, well… I was pampered alright, but never a spoilt brat.
I was not mischievous at all, which is very rare for a kid of that age. There was not a time when I broke a glass pane, not a time when I pulled a prank on any soul. I had very few friends, used to hardly go out. Wait a minute……was I really that boring?? But, I had a treasure with me and they were my books…I grew up reading David Copperfield, Enid Blyton..they were more than just characters in a story…they were my only childhood friends….Wait a minute now I sound like “Matilda”….Noooooooooo,…..Ok…I know by now, I would have lost half my readers, but to all those brave hearts still clinging on…I hope you like the other half….Ok…resuming…Years rolled by and I was already in my plus two…
@@College Years
Well this was short lived…All the exams, entrance tests, IIT coaching institutes, EAMCET training centers and college consumed my college years. So, this phase of my life just started and then ended…..
@@Graduation Years
Welll…Now we come to the cheesey part of my life…These four years in my life were an eye opener in one sense and the biggest lessons of my life were in these years of graduation. Till now I was the topper in my school, class, group and other crap…Here I met people much more capable and intelligent than me…So, I was made to give up that top place…I was not way behind in class, but atleast I was not that topper..So, the post of the geek was taken by someone else…Strangely, I was not upset by it..Infact, I was relieved, as now I didn’t have the responsibility to keep up my rank/position in class…
Lesson 1: There are people better than you. Don’t be jealous of them, but learn to appreciate their abilities. But, yah if they act snobbish wring their neck..
Till now I was caged….I simply enjoyed my new found freedom…And as I told you I’m a normal girl..So, was bound to misuse this new found freedom….I got the worst score of my life in my 5th semester….I just cannot forget that day…I had written my papers so badly….that it was a mixed feeling…I mean… I was happy I passed and was terribly upset that I scored only a measly 68% (Let me clarify, that in the University I studied in getting 80% was pretty easy and you had to put in a bit more effort to get 90%)..So, for those standards, it was a pretty low score…But, now I find the topper of my class and me working together for the same firm in a similar designation…..
Lesson 2: Never judge your self based on marks….These exams are only to test your receptivity to boring lectures…nothing more..
I had my friends..I had enemies.. I had people to whom I was neutral…I was never in the limelight again…because again I was the shy and timid girl with inhibitions…
Lesson 3: It’s not always good to be in the limelight…there are times when you simply have to act as a support for combustion
But, I had my set of crushes and heart breaks…(that was bound to happen, as I never dared to go up to that guy and tell him how I feel)…
Lesson 4: Crushes are not to be taken seriously and it’s ok to ditch a guy and go around with his friend.
So, when I got out of engineering, my life was rich with all kinds of experiences, these years had toughened me as a person…So, the over protect child finally faced the world….And now with all these experiences in my kitty, I entered the corporate world…
@@Work Years
Uh!!! Let’s make that title “Work Months”…coz it’s just 6 months since I joined…Well, I heard that work life is totally a different ball game, where the stakes are going to be high…Well, my experience here is too short to comment…But all I can say is that I’m lucky enough to have good friends, helpful colleagues, guiding seniors, smart guys around me…All I can say is so far so good…
I’m now no more that shy and timid girl…I don’t know whither to she has vanished…I recall her many times but just can’t find her…She is lost some where in my childhood…I don’t want her to re surface…as she cannot survive in this world…I guess that, this transformation in me, is merely human psychology…the more you are pushed to the wall, the more you retaliate…The obedient girl is now a rebel…the quiet girl is now a chatterbox…The timid girl in now bold….The shy girl is now expressive….A caution to all those people who have not seen me for a long time: “I’ve changed”.. All these changes are pretty evident in me, else I wouldn’t be writing this at all……….
Ok….all the people who have snoozed..wakey wakey!!! It’s rude to doze off when some one is talking…errr….writing…
And people who have not reached this far and have browsed to some other blog.. what can I say…u missed it..I was going to give the people who survived this, a reward…Better luck next time.!!!
i guess im the first to qualify for ur reward :p so wheres the treat?
grown up,changed...definetly u have..and for a person who was not so close to you even in those plus 2 years..i can still vouch for the part that u HAVE changed!
i dont see those immensely competitive streaks in u anymore now..guess its also got to do with the fact that ur now working and theres hardly use for it..
but then ur 68% speaks for itself..i got a 34 (30 being the pass mark)in an electronics subject..nd we know we are geeks :)
lotsa similarities between ur life and mine..glad megha has arrived!!
keep blogging!
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