Hey Sameera…Thanks for tagging me on…It’s been quite some time since I played tag…It was a nice interospection..Frankly, I never thought so much about myself…
I hope people who read this don’t doze off…Espeacially Sameera…I don’t want you napping on mine when I didn’t nap on yours. So, read through it….
1.Were you named after anyone?
Uh!! No…I’m glad about that…coz my parents held their parents in great reverence and please I wouldn’t want to be named Sitamma…no way..
2. Do you wish on stars?
No…That’s meant to happen only in Bollywood movies with Shahrukh in it.
3.When did you last cry?
Can’t remember…maybe in class 5 or so….
4. Do you like your handwriting?
I adore it…Especially the way I style my D’s
5. What is your favourite meat?
Wrong question…I’m a vegetarian
6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
One of Anamika’s album…It’s in some invisible corner of the CD rack…I just couldn’t help having it as it was a present…….
7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Absolutely…That’s obvious
8. Are you a daredevil?
9. How do you release anger?
I don’t get offended easily and the times I do I shout at the person who has caused it…Infact, I think “shout” is a very mild adjective…
10. Where is your second home?
My office…like I have any other choice…Man…I spend more than 12 damn hours in this place
11. Do you trust others easily?
12. What was your favourite toy(s) as a child?
I loved beheading my toys..I had a pussy cat…I couldn’t term it as a favourite, that was the only one I was left with, as it’s head wouldn’t come off.
13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless?
Geography…I couldn’t understand why we had to know the major and minor crops of Mediterranean….I surely was not planning for farming as my profession or for a hobby..Even if I had to grow crops I wouldn’t go to Mediterranean…
14. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not much…atleast never with an intension to hurt anyone
15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
Uh!! …..
16. What do you look for in a girl?
Not applicable
17. Would you bungee jump?
Yes..That’s one of the things I want to try..It’s on my TODO list
18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Yes..I do..else they won’t come off…
19. What's your favourite ice cream?
I’m not icecream crazy…but generally I go for chocolate flavour
20. What are your favourite colours?
21. What are your least favourite things?
Smelly socks, things in disorder(messy), possessiveness, jealousy, lies
22. How many people do you have a crush on right now?
23. Who do you miss most right now?
My Dad
24. What are you listening to right now?
“You say it best when you say nothing at all”
25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
26. What is the weather like right now?
Well….I’m in AC so it’s cool
27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Let me make that things…
a) eyes
b) sense of dress
c) voice
d) their socks…if I can (Please don’t have the weird idea that I’ll go around smelling socks)…But, I feel it’s a mark of personal hygiene.
29. Do you like the person who sent you this?
Yes. I do…I don’t have anything against Sameera..She is a sweet girl and fun to be with…And I love reading her posts…
30. How are you today?
Comme ci comme ca (In French it means “not to good not too bad”…Guess just couldn’t resist flaunting my little vocabulary in French)
31. Favourite non alcoholic drink?
32. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Didn’t try any….Intend to taste all the varieties someday…
33. Natural hair colour?
Brownish black…But mom would say “initially they were black but now brown coz she has stopped applying oil since ages”
34. Eye colour?
35. Wear contacts?
Nope..My doc says won’t suit me, for the high power I have…Ok…now don’t picture me to be a geek with thick glasses…I’m no way close to that description.
36. Siblings?
37. Favourite month?
October…That the month I get max presents…
38. Favourite food?
Chocolate cake…Actually anything chocolate
39. Favourite day of the year?
Oh!!All the national holidays and the annual leaves we get
40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out?
Never encountered such a situation.
41. Scary movies or happy endings?
None…I can’t relate to either
42. Summer or winter? Spring or Summer!
Summer…for the mangoes…
43. Holi or Diwali?
None…I hate the sounds and the fumes diwali brings with it and I hate the chemicals holi tags along.
44. Do you like your name?
Absolutely….But I hate it when it’s “thi”…It’s “ti”
Oops!! I guess I’ve given away something…
45. What book/magazine are you reading?
Currently reading “The Bachelor of Art”- R.K.Narayan
46. What's on your mouse pad?
My company logo..
47. What did you watch on TV last night?
I don’t get to watch the TV
48. Favourite Smell?
Freshly ground coffee beans, the smell of rasam made by mom
49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
I haven’t had a boyfriend…so I guess question not applicable
50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
Answering all these questions….Well whoever started this.. “It a good one..but 50 questions are exhausting…when you have to type out all those answers…especially for IT professionals like us who are experts in Cntrl+C Cntrl+V”….